Uluslararası Hava Öğrenci Mübadelesi Programına katılmak isteyen öğrenciler; THK Genel Başkanlığı tarafından İngilizce Yazılı Sınav ve İngilizce-Türkçe Mülakat ile seçilerek, 17 TEMMUZ – 01 AĞUSTOS 2007 tarihleri arasında; ABD, KANADA, İNGİLTERE, ALMANYA ve HOLLANDA’ya gönderilecektir.
1. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olmak,
2. Yaşı 17’den küçük, 20’den (dahil) büyük olmamak [31 TEMMUZ 1990 (dahil) - 01 AĞUSTOS 1987 (dahil) tarihleri arasında doğmuş olmak. Yaş düzeltmeleri dikkate alınmaz,
3. Sağlıklı olmak (dış görünüşünde belirgin bir bozukluk veya sakatlık bulunmamak),
4. Erkek öğrenciler için 170 cm, kız öğrenciler için 160 cm’den uzun olmak,
5. Söz konusu mübadele programına ilk defa katılıyor olmak,
6. Halen lise son sınıf , üniversite hazırlık veya üniversite birinci sınıfta öğrenimine devam ediyor olmak,
7. Gezi tarihleri sırasında sınavları bitmiş ve bütünlemeye kalmamış olmak.
1. Başvurular 18.12.2006 - 02.02.2007 tarihleri arasında aşağıda belirtilen adrese elden teslim veya posta yoluyla yapılacaktır. Postadaki gecikmeler dikkate alınmayacaktır. Faks, e-posta veya eksik belgelerle yapılan müracaatlar kabul edilmeyecektir.
2. İngilizce Yazılı dil sınavına girebilmek için gerekli olan belgeler;
a. Mübadeleye katılmak istediğini belirten DİLEKÇE (adres ve telefon bilgileri dilekçeye yazılacaktır),
b. Okul idaresinden onaylı TÜRKÇE ve İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRENCİ BELGESİ (okul idaresinden İngilizce belge alamayanlar yeminli tercüme bürolarına Türkçe öğrenci belgelerini tercüme ettirebilir. ),
c. Noter tasdikli, fotoğraflı ve T.C. vatandaşlık numaralı NÜFUS CÜZDANI SURETİ,
3. Sınav Başvuru ücreti 75.00-YTL, Ziraat Bankası Heykel Şubesi 3463644-5003 nolu hesap numarasına yatırılacak ve dekont başvuru belgeleri ile teslim edilecektir.
1. İngilizce Yazılı Sınav ile İngilizce-Türkçe Mülâkata katılacak öğrenciler 19.02.2007 Pazartesi günü saat 08:00’da aşağıdaki adreste hazır bulunacaktır.
2. Sınav sonuçları 09.03.2007 tarihinden itibaren www.thk.org.tr adresinde yayınlanacaktır. Adaylara ayrıca sınav davetiyesi ve sonuç belgesi gönderilmeyecektir.
1. İngilizce (sözlü-yazılı) sınavından alınacak not (100 üzerinden) seçime esas olacak genel notun %60’ını teşkil eder.
2. Diğer %30’lık dilim Türkçe mülakat puanından, %10’luk dilimi ise Havacılık faaliyetlerine katılım puanından oluşmaktadır.
1. Mübadele sınavını kazanan öğrencilerin ödemeleri gereken katkı payı ücreti ABD 980 Euro, Kanada 1030 Euro, İngiltere 580 Euro, Almanya 500 Euro, Hollanda 470 Euro’dur.
2. Mübadele Sınavını kazanan ve gerekli katkı payı ücretini ödeyen öğrenciler 30 Haziran – 06 Temmuz 2007 tarihleri arasında IACE İnönü Hazırlık Kampına katılacaktır. Kamp kapsamında öğrencilere sportif havacılık branşlarına ilişkin teorik eğitim verilecek, model uçak kursu, planör uçuşu ve toplu uçuş yaptırılacaktır.
3. Öğrenciler, noter ve benzeri masrafları kendileri karşılayacaktır. Mübadele Programı ile yurtdışına gitmeye hak kazanan öğrencilerin Standart Temsil Kıyafetleriyle ilgili bilgiler ayrıca bildirilecektir.
TELEFON : 0 312 310 46 90 - 0 312 310 48 40 / 310 - 311
FAKS : 0 312 310 04 13
E-POSTA : disiliskiler@thk.org.tr
WEB : www.thk.org.tr / www.iacea.com
Pazartesi, Ocak 22, 2007
Cuma, Ocak 05, 2007
Toronto Pearson Havalimanindaki Bagaj Hirsizlik Cetesi Cokertildi
Airport baggage crew charged with thefts
(Toronto Star January 5 2007) Bob Mitchell
Peel police say 7 male baggage handlers, aged 17 to 25, charged in months-long probe at Pearson aiport, were allegedly `loading and unloading bags, helping themselves to stuff'
January 05, 2007 Bob MitchellStaff Reporter
Seven airport workers, including a lead baggage handler, have been charged in a continuing police probe of thefts from passenger luggage at Pearson International Airport.
Arrests began in October, police confirmed yesterday. The accused, all male, and ranging in age from 17 to 25, include college students who worked part-time as baggage handlers at Canada's busiest airport.
Two men, including a 19-year-old lead hand, were nabbed earlier this week while they worked at the airport, police said.
"We don't believe this was an organized ring of seven people," said Det. Malcolm Bow of Peel's airport criminal division. "One or two might have known each other and they all worked in a very small area at Terminal 3 but there is no evidence that everybody knew everybody who was arrested. "These guys aren't sophisticated. They were just loading and unloading bags and helping themselves to stuff."
Bow said all of them had been working at Pearson for the past two to three years.
Police began their investigation after they noticed an increase in reported thefts by travellers from their luggage at Terminal 3 this summer.
Bow said property, such as digital cameras, jewellery and clothing, were taken from baggage of passengers both arriving to and departing from the terminal.
Various aircraft were involved, police said.
"Basically these baggage handlers were entrusted with loading and unloading travellers' baggage," Bow said.
"We're alleging they breached that trust by stealing stuff from bags."
Although exact details of the probe aren't being revealed, police admit some of those arrested were caught by surveillance.
"As a result we focused an investigation at that terminal and we've arrested seven people so far," Bow said.
"We've laid about 18 charges so far ranging from theft to possession of stolen property and stolen credit cards."
A stolen credit card and several cameras were among the stolen items found on Tuesday when the lead baggage handler and another person were arrested, police said.
Bow confirmed that all of those arrested no longer work at the airport.
More than $12,000 worth of stolen goods has so far been recovered, although police say many more items were reported stolen.
All of the accused have been released on bail, police said.
The names of the young offenders arrested are protected by Canada's youth laws.
Jamaal Cushnie, 19, of Toronto, the alleged lead baggage handler, has been charged with possession of stolen property, possession of a stolen credit card and possession of a controlled substance.
He's to appear in a Brampton court Feb. 5.
The busts are the latest to involve airport employees in the past several years at Canada's busiest airport, although they are not on the same scale as a series of arrests in 2004.
In that bust, police arrested eight people and dismantled a sophisticated ring that was believed responsible for the theft of $6 million worth of high-end electronic equipment and clothing from the cargo areas of Pearson over a six-year span.
More than 8,000 items were stolen.
Many of them wound up being sold over the Internet through eBay.
The ring, which was run by airport employees, used truckers working for legitimate companies to haul the stolen goods away from the airport.
(Toronto Star January 5 2007) Bob Mitchell
Peel police say 7 male baggage handlers, aged 17 to 25, charged in months-long probe at Pearson aiport, were allegedly `loading and unloading bags, helping themselves to stuff'
January 05, 2007 Bob MitchellStaff Reporter
Seven airport workers, including a lead baggage handler, have been charged in a continuing police probe of thefts from passenger luggage at Pearson International Airport.
Arrests began in October, police confirmed yesterday. The accused, all male, and ranging in age from 17 to 25, include college students who worked part-time as baggage handlers at Canada's busiest airport.
Two men, including a 19-year-old lead hand, were nabbed earlier this week while they worked at the airport, police said.
"We don't believe this was an organized ring of seven people," said Det. Malcolm Bow of Peel's airport criminal division. "One or two might have known each other and they all worked in a very small area at Terminal 3 but there is no evidence that everybody knew everybody who was arrested. "These guys aren't sophisticated. They were just loading and unloading bags and helping themselves to stuff."
Bow said all of them had been working at Pearson for the past two to three years.
Police began their investigation after they noticed an increase in reported thefts by travellers from their luggage at Terminal 3 this summer.
Bow said property, such as digital cameras, jewellery and clothing, were taken from baggage of passengers both arriving to and departing from the terminal.
Various aircraft were involved, police said.
"Basically these baggage handlers were entrusted with loading and unloading travellers' baggage," Bow said.
"We're alleging they breached that trust by stealing stuff from bags."
Although exact details of the probe aren't being revealed, police admit some of those arrested were caught by surveillance.
"As a result we focused an investigation at that terminal and we've arrested seven people so far," Bow said.
"We've laid about 18 charges so far ranging from theft to possession of stolen property and stolen credit cards."
A stolen credit card and several cameras were among the stolen items found on Tuesday when the lead baggage handler and another person were arrested, police said.
Bow confirmed that all of those arrested no longer work at the airport.
More than $12,000 worth of stolen goods has so far been recovered, although police say many more items were reported stolen.
All of the accused have been released on bail, police said.
The names of the young offenders arrested are protected by Canada's youth laws.
Jamaal Cushnie, 19, of Toronto, the alleged lead baggage handler, has been charged with possession of stolen property, possession of a stolen credit card and possession of a controlled substance.
He's to appear in a Brampton court Feb. 5.
The busts are the latest to involve airport employees in the past several years at Canada's busiest airport, although they are not on the same scale as a series of arrests in 2004.
In that bust, police arrested eight people and dismantled a sophisticated ring that was believed responsible for the theft of $6 million worth of high-end electronic equipment and clothing from the cargo areas of Pearson over a six-year span.
More than 8,000 items were stolen.
Many of them wound up being sold over the Internet through eBay.
The ring, which was run by airport employees, used truckers working for legitimate companies to haul the stolen goods away from the airport.
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